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User Matching on Adtelligent

User Matching on Adtelligent 

Brief instructions on how to get the pixels set up on Adtelligent.


Cookie sync initiator (1) defines who will be the initiator of user matching process and who is to keep the match base. If Adtelligent is chosen, we will initiate the cookie syncing process while your advertiser is going to store the matching base. You need to put your advertiser’s syncing pixel after redir parameter located in generated URL (screenshot below). Place {uid} macro in parameter where you would like us to provide you with our user id. Please, note that the advertiser’s pixel should be encoded.


URL generated on Adtelligent: //sync.adtelligent.com/csync?redir=%%YOUR_COOKIE_SYNC_URL%%
Pixel you got from partner: https://sync.anyadserver.com/csync?p=456787654&user_id=%%USER ID FROM ADTELLIGENT%%
The macro Adtelligent uses to pass the user ID: {uid}

To make the cookie syncing work: 

  1. Encode partner’s pixel URL along with our user ID macro contained: https%3A%2F%2Fsync.anyadserver.com%2Fcsync%3Fp%3D456787654%26user_id%3D%7Buid%7D%20

  2. Compile the pixels: //sync.adtelligent.com/csync?redir=https%3A%2F%2Fsync.anyadserver.com%2Fcsync%3Fp%3D456787654%26user_id%3D%7Buid%7D%20

If Client chosen, Adtelligent will keep the matching base, while advertiser will initiate the syncing process (their pixel will redirect to ours). If they provide you with the user id macro, insert it after extuid parameter. CookieSync URL should be encoded and put after “redirect” parameter in the partner’s pixel. Hence, in the end, demand partner would pass us their user id.  


URL generated on Adtelligent: https://sync.adtelligent.com/csync?t=a&ep=2718578948&extuid={UID_to_pass_the_user_id} (should be encoded to work properly)
Pixel you got from partner: //sync.adserver.com/user_sync?redirect={Adtelligent’s_pixel_should_be_placed_here}
The macro adserver uses to pass the user ID to us (sample): {csync_uid}

To make the cookie syncing work: 

  1. Encode the our URL along with the partner's user ID macro: https%3A%2F%2Fsync.adtelligent.com%2Fcsync%3Ft%3Da%26ep%3D2718578948%26extuid%3D%7Bcsync_uid%7D

  2. Compile the pixels: https://sync.adtelligent.com/csync?t=a&ep=2718578948&extuid=https%3A%2F%2Fsync.adtelligent.com%2Fcsync%3Ft%3Da%26ep%3D2718578948%26extuid%3D%7Bcsync_uid%7D

Pixel type (2) defines the way this cookie sync would be requested. Skip unmatched users (3) option allows to filter all the incoming requests made to campaign without a cookie.