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How to create AdPush campaign

To create a new Campaign with AdPush type of integration, please go to the Advertisers section, choose the Advertiser and click on  button. 

The process of creation consists of 3 steps: filling in the Basic settings, Advanced settings and Align Supply

Basic settings

First, fill in your Сampaign name (1) and select the AdPush Integration type (2). After that, choose the Environment in the drop-down (3) (usually Desktop and Mobile Web). Right under it, Sensitive Demand toggle (4) is located. When enabled, gives you an ability to “lock” specific campaign of being selected in the Align Demand tab. According to that, supply can be aligned only from the inside of this entity. For instance, you have “locked” campaign #123456, hence it won’t be displayed in the Align Demand in source settings, even if it suits pre-filters picked. Supply can be connected to this campaign only from the Align Supply tab in this campaign’s settings.

For the AdPush integration type, insert Feed URL your advertiser provided you with into the field in the right above corner (5). The feed URL contains 3rd party macros/placeholders inside that must be replaced with macros of Adtelligent Ad Server that you can find by downloading Adtelligent Macros manual (6).

NoteA macro is a short piece of code that serves as a placeholder for a dynamic value being sent to another ad server inside a VAST tag URL. Macros expand and get replaced with actual values in real time, right before our system makes a request to a third party ad-server.

Right next to the Macros manual, there is a  button (7) (becomes active after the feed was created). This option allows you to test the feed, implemented in the above field, to make sure there is a valid response behind it. Once you click the button, the system will automatically call the feed URL in the new window.

In the top right corner, there is a Status (8) button, which allows you to enable, disable or archive the campaign. Simply pick the status and click Save button underneath. 

Right below, you can see AdPush Template section that allows to set the correct response template to receive valid responses from the advertiser. 

In Template List (1) you may find a plenty of already in-built templates. Once picked, response template will be filled in automatically. These templates were made to help you with optimizing the process of creation the feed, however is not mandatory to be used. 

Tag type (2) stands for the type of the feed: it can be either JSON or XML.

NoteKeep in mind that it is mandatory to have the same tag type on Adtelligent and on the Demand side. For instance, if the Advertiser shared an XML feed, it needs to be implemented as XML on Adtelligent side.  

If you didn't find a required template in the list, it can be set up manually with the help of the xPath markup (3). xPath is a path to an information enclosed either inside XML or JSON response. xPath needs to be settled on the campaign level.

It helps our servers to process all the necessary information from Advertiser’s response and pass it correctly further to Publisher.

To mark xPath up correctly you need to request either XML or JSON response example (depends on the Feed type) from your Advertiser. For e.x. you have received the following JSON example:

It is seen on the screenshot that information about notification title is enclosed in title object, hence xPath to title will be //title.

Same works for all the rest object.

//ad_id for creative id

//descr for description

//url for click url

//image for image

//pixel for icon

//bid for price

When working with JSON type, // in the beginning of xPath are always required.

With XML things work pretty similar. In response example you will see clearly defined structure. For e.x.:

on the screenshot, information about title in enclosed in the tag <title>, while tag <title> is enclosed in two other tags - <record> and <result>. Hence, xPath will be /xml/result/record/title. Same works for all of the rest tags:






NoteAbove XML xPath is not constant for all the feeds and can vary depending on the Advertiser.

The last step in the Basic settings is Flighting:

Flighting allows you to target specific delivery start and end dates for advertisers campaign, to make it active for a certain period of time. If there is no need to run it within a defined period, you may tick checkboxes Start Now and Run Indefinitely. Please, double-check the start date and the end date of your end campaign, if you use the specific time range before you save the Campaign. 

Advanced Settings

Looking into Advanced settings, Delivery allows you to limit the volume of Impressions, a particular advertiser/demand partner will receive along with the overall volume of incoming Ad Requests and Ad Opportunities coming from the publishers' inventory mapped to those campaigns. The volume of Ad RequestsAd Opportunities and Impressions can be limited by specific time periods: daily (per 24 hours) and hourly. QPS allows you to limit the campaign with the outgoing request per second. 


Each AdPush feed has a stack of the following filters

when active, system blocks impressions and clicks that come from IP that is different to IP in request 

UA Mismatch - when active, system blocks impressions and clicks that come from UA that is different to UA

Block Proxy - when active, system blocks proxy impressions and clicks 

Under Filters, you can find Timeout section, that allows you to customize request-impression and request-click time. To be more accurate, you can change default values to ones required by your Demand partner. For instance, Advertiser ready to wait for the click for 720 minutes, hence click that come after that time would be filtered, while our system will still store it because we have 1440 minutes by default. Using Request-Impression Timeout you can change default values from 1440 to 720 and avoid any discrepancy. 


Default values are 1440 minutes for click and 30 minutes for impression

The last thing that is located under Advanced settings is Targeting

With the help of this section you are setting up the different targeting options for your campaign. This feature allows you to target your audience by Domains (1), SubIDs (2) and Countries (3) by default. As an additional option we have a Subscription Days (4) targeting available. 

The Create List (5) button, once clicked, redirects you to the list creation tab, while the Upload from CSV (6) button allows you to create the required list already from the campaign settings. You simply need to name the list and upload the file.  

The wider targeting abilities are hidden under button (7). When clicking on it, a new tab with more detailed targeting appears.

To have it added to the settings, simply tick on the "plus" button and then "Save". Selected targetings will appear in your UI.

Once the setup process on the page is completed, click on  button at the bottom of the page.

Align Supply

To finish the creation of the Campaign, don't forget to align supply to the Campaign. To have it done, go to the Align Supply tab (1), use pre-filtering zone to pick required supply and select sources using the tick buttons on the left (2). Once done, the  button (3) will appear and let you align the supply to created campaign.