Push Reporting

Default reporting consists of two main sections: pre-filtering zone and grid itself.

Pre-filtering zone

Pre-filtering zone allows you to work with the variety of slices (1), predefined date range (2) (last 7 days by default), timezone (3) of your account, metric filter (4), that is disabled by default and RTB traffic filter (5) which by default is disabled as well. A bit below, there is a  (6) button that provides the report loading with all the slices/metrics picked. 


Right under, you can see the grid with default stack of metrics (1) and pretty nice options on the right side of the screen. 

 button (2) has tons of additional metrics inside, which can be used to analyze the activity.  button (3), once clicked, gives you an ability to download displayed report to your computer in csv format.  button (4) was made to help you with comparing the numbers and allows to analyze specified metrics for the specified period of time.  button (5) has been added to make your life easier when you are sharing the API URL with either of your partners - you can simply pick slices and metrics in your UI, click on the Get API URL button and receive the API URL in json format that can be sent to your partner. The last thing here is Templates (6) that consists of templates created by the user. 

In Glossary you can find description of basic metrics, while below there are useful metrics for AdPush/POP activity




Filtered Impressions

Shows total amount of filtered impressions (the sum of all filter metrics)

Stale Impressions

Impressions that came after the session was closed

Duplicate Impressions

Doubled impressions

IP Mismatch Request

Impression or click that came with different IP to the one in the request

UA Mismatch Request

Impression or click that came with different US to the one in the request

Missed Campaign Ad Opportunity

Click that came without an impression


Feed Response Rate



RTB Campaign Response

Shows amount of responses we received from the demand partner

RTB Campaign Response rate

Shows the ratio of responses we received from the demand partner, in %. Formula: RTB Campaign Response/Ad Requests*100%


Amount of responses sent to the supply partner 

Ad Push Coverage

Shows how many requests received a response. Formula: RTB Campaign Response/Ad Requests*100%


External Statistics



External Ad Opportunity 

Number of push notification impressions pulled from the demand partner’s statistics 

External Impressions 

Number of push notification clicks pulled from the demand partner’s statistics 

External Revenue, USD 

Corresponding feed’s evenue from the demand partner’s statistics 

External Impressions, % 

Internal and external push notification clicks  ratio, %. Formula: External impressions/Impressions*100%