Extra Options

There are some additional options that can improve your experience in the report section.


  • To upload the report use the Export to CSV button. 

  • You can organize your report by moving and ordering the metrics. Click the metric and move it, holding the button.

  • Use the Refresh button to update the data. 

  • To increase the number of rows click the drop-down button near the Rows per page. You have the choice from 10, 25, 50 and 100 rows per page.

  • Use clone button to make a copy of your already generated report to modify it and track statistics for other entities.

  • Use wizard button to customize and create the metrics view.

By clicking wizard button a pop-up window with metrics appears. It provides two options:

  • Create New View (allows creating a view with particular metrics, that can be reused in the report section)
  • Update View (allows changing the already created views of the report tab)

For creating a new view, choose "Create New View" option (1), name the view (2), and choose the metrics from the metrics table below (3). There are two columns with available metrics and the ones that have been selected. To add the metrics you need simply drag-&-drop an item from the Available to the Selected column.


In order to delete the metric, you no longer need from the Selected column, click (X) button. You can also clear all metrics using "Clear all" button (4).

Once you finished with a metric table and named it, you need to click "Create" button (5).



For updating the view, choose "Update view" option, select the view that you would like to change, and edit the name and metrics (see the creating view steps).

  • Get API URL  - the option to get an access to the certain report due to API URL. 

  • User’s View Template 
    Moving to the Wizard pop up each scope of chosen metrics will be saved in View Template. With the help of this functionality it is possible
    to combine general slices with the metrics. Already created User’s View Template can be chosen with the help of drop-down list.

  • Metric Filter  - allows you to set the conditions for number of Ad Requests/ Ad Opportunities/ Impressions etc. The system will show the statistics by the parameters set in the conditions hiding the values not included in the filter.