Getting Started

First step
This integration is useful for those publishers who already use Google Ad Manage...
Linking GAM account to HBMP
Since Header Bidding advertisers participate in the Google Ad Manager (GAM) pric...
How to add a New Site
Before adding the first site to the Header Bidding platform, you will see the fo...
How to add a New AdUnit
To add a new AdUnit, go to the “AdUnit” tab (1) and click on the “Create” button...
How to add a New Buyer
To add a new Buyer go to the Buyer tab (1) and click on the Create button (2). ...
How to connect Buyer and AdUnit
Once a site with at least one unit and buyer are created, the next step is to co...
How to add Integration Snippet to your webpage
The final step is to add Header Bidding Integration snippet code inside the <...