Create New Scoring Service

Scoring Service allows you to add a scoring solution to your account. 

This section will appear once the Scoring Service functionality is enabled for the account. You can Add new scoring by clicking Protected Media (Post-bid) + or Protected Media S2S (Pre-bid) + button on the left sidebar. You can add both types of scoring simultaneously, just click on the + button in order to configure the scoring service you need.

  • Protected Media S2S (Pre-bid) - scores traffic within an ad call/ad request to the server before the ad opportunity takes place. The fraud request can be detected and filtered in real-time before it gets an opportunity.

  • Protected Media (Post-bid) - scores traffic beyond an ad call/ad request, when an ad impression is done. The fraud detection is conducted after the request is converted into ad impression.


Scoring system (1): Protected Media (Pre-bid) or Protected Media (Post-bid) system will be selected depending on the system you chose from the left-side panel in the Scoring Services tab.

Price is counted for every 1000 scores conducted on the source or campaign level. For more information about the fee, contact your Personal Manager. In case you have your own Protected Media contract, it can be added by ticking corresponding checkbox:

After entering PID and TID, you would be able to use PM option for free on Adtelligent. 

If you agree with Price and Terms & Conditions, please tick the "I agree" checkbox (2).

In the Limits section you have two types of capping:

Global cappings (3) - a scoring limit for the whole account (a limit of scoring events applied to all entities)

  • Daily scores - this field allows you to set up the daily limit for the scoring of the selected event.

Default cappings (4) - a scoring limit which will be applied by default to every entity.

  • Daily scores - a field for setting the daily limits for the scoring of the selected event. Daily scores in the Default capping section will be used as default values when you select sources or campaigns to score.
  • Hourly scores - a field for setting hourly limits for the scoring of the selected event.

Automatically add to new sources and Automatically add to new campaigns checkboxes (5) allow you to add the scoring system to all newly-created entities in the account automatically. When the checkbox is unticked you need to manually add new entities to the scoring system. Only one checkbox can be ticked for each Scoring Service.

In order to finish the creation of Scoring Service please click on Create button at the bottom of the page. Scoring Service can always be edited by clicking on the gear button that appears after the entity is created.