Campaign Targeting


Domain lists allow you to target on specific domains or receive RON traffic (Run Of Network). To create a list of domains, go to Tools > Global Lists > Domain Lists and click 

If the block list remains empty, you will receive ad requests from all supply sources mapped to campaigns. By adding domains to the Block list, you restrict delivering ad requests from domains specified in this list to the advertiser/demand source. By choosing White lists, you allow delivery of ad requests only from a certain pool of domains. Additional domains is an exception rule for domains in a global list. It allows you to include and exclude certain domains for a specific campaign.


We allow our campaign accept traffic from the list called "test", but restrict ad requests coming from, because we excluded it from the list. 'Additional domains' option helps us avoid generating new Domain list.

App Names/Bundle IDs Lists

App Names and Bundle IDs lists allow you to target on the specific application or bundle ID. To create a list of app names/bundle IDs go to Tools > Global Lists > App Lists/Bundle Lists and click buttin.

If the block list remains empty, you will receive ad requests from all supply sources mapped to campaigns. By adding App Names/Bundle IDs to the Block list, you restrict delivering ad requests from App Names/Bundle IDs specified in this list to the advertiser/demand source. By choosing White lists, you allow delivery of ad requests only from a certain pool of App Names/Bundle IDs. Additional App Names/Bundle IDs is an exception rule for App Names/Bundle IDs in a list. It allows you to include and exclude certain App Names/Bundle IDs for a specific campaign.


We allow our campaign accept traffic from the list of Bundles "test", but restrict ad requests coming from com.rovio.angrybirds, because we excluded it from the list. 'Additional Bundle IDs' option helps us avoid generating new BundleID list.


Countries and Player Sizes

Country targeting allows you to target your advertisers (demand partners) campaigns and make it applicable for audiences in specific geographical locations.

In targeting by player sizes section you are able to set different player sizes. To do this, choose the parameters of the player (width from/to and height from/to) and then click on button. You can also edit these parameters later if required. When custom size is chosen you are not allowed to save the empty fields or zero values. At the same time, the minimum value (width to/height from) cannot be more than its maximum (width to/ height to) and negative values are not accepted by the system as well.

The grid below will help to set player size ranges according to standard values:

  • Small - width from 0 to 300
  • Medium - width from 301 to 600
  • Large - width from 600 to 65535


If the block list remains empty, you will receive ad requests from all supply sources mapped to campaigns. By adding browsers to the Block, you restrict delivering ad requests from browsers specified to the advertiser/demand source. By choosing White filter, you allow delivery of ad requests only from a certain pool of browsers. 

Operation systems

Allows you to pick specific operation systems. By adding them, you restrict requests from all the rest operations systems that are not in the list picked. If nothing is picked, system allows requests from each operation system.

Device filter type

If the block filter remains empty, you will receive ad requests from all supply sources mapped to campaigns. By adding devices to the Block, you restrict delivering ad requests from devices specified to the advertiser/demand source. By choosing White filter, you allow delivery of ad requests only from a certain pool of devices.