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Reports. Slices and Metrics.

  Table of HBMP Metrics and slices

New Value

Old Value

Metric Description

HB Metrics

HB Init

HB Init

Initiation of HB script on the page

Ad Request

Bidder Init

Initiation of bidders on the page

Ad Request (Raw)

Bidder Init (Raw)

Initiation of bidders on the page (Raw)

Ad Opportunity


Bid response from buyer

Ad Opportunity Rate (%)

Bid Rate %

% of bid responses from buyer

Ad Opportunity CPM

Avg. Bid Price (CPM)

Average price of initial bid response

No Bid

No Bid

Empty/no content response (including timeouts)

No Bid Rate %

No Bid Rate %

% of empty/no content response (including timeouts)

Avg. Response Time (ms)

Avg. Response Time (ms)

Average buyer's response time in ms

HB Auction Win

Won Bids

Buyer's bid won in internal HB auction

HB Auction Win (%)

Won Bids (%)

% of won bids in internal HB auction

HB Auction Win CPM

Avg. Won Bid Price

Average price of the won bid in internal HB auction

HB Auction Lost

Lost Bids

Buyer's bid lost in internal HB auction

HB Auction Lost %

Lost Bids %

% of buyer's bids lost in internal HB auction

Bid Timeout

Bid Timeout

Timeout in internal HB auction

Timeout Rate (%)

Timeout Rate %

% of timeout from buyers


Won DFP Auction

Bidder sent response to Google Ad Manager (DFP) auction and won impression

Impression Rate (%)

Win Rate %

% of won buyer's bids in internal HB auction


Avg. Win Price

Average clearing price for auction with DFP

Revenue (Estimated)

Est. Revenue

HBMP yield (collected from HBMP statistics)

HB Revenue (DFP)


HBMP yield imported from DFP statistics

DFP Impressions

Lost DFP Auction

Bidder sent response to Google Ad Manager (DFP) and lost auction (DFP won impression)

DFP Impression Rate (%)

Lost DFP Auction %

% of bidder sent response to Google Ad Manager (DFP) and lost auction (DFP won impression)

DFP Auction Timeout

DFP Auction Timeout

Google Ad Manager (DFP) has not provided a response for an auction

Time to impression (ms)

Bid Load Time (ms)

Time from bidder init to DFP auction end


Ad Opportunity CPM

Avg. Bid Price (CPM)

Average price of initial bid response

HB Auction Win CPM

Avg. Won Bid Price

Average price of the won bid in internal HB auction

Revenue (Estimated)

Est. Revenue

HBMP yield (collected from HBMP statistics)

HB Revenue (DFP)


HBMP yield imported from DFP statistics

Total Revenue (DFP)

Total Revenue

Total Revenue (Buyers+DFP collected from Google) imported from DFP statistics

DFP Revenue (DFP)

DFP Revenue

Actual revenue from AdSense, ADX, EBDA imported from Google Ad Manager (DFP) statistics

DFP Metrics


Avg. Win Price

Average price for auction with DFP

Total Revenue (DFP)

Total Revenue

Total Revenue (Buyers+DFP collected from Google) imported from DFP statistics

HB Impressions (DFP)


HBMP Impressions imported from DFP statistics as AdServer impressions

HB Impression Rate % (DFP)

Impression Rate %

% of buyer impression/bidder inits

DFP Impressions (DFP)

DFP Impressions

Impressions by AdSense, ADX, EBDA imported from Google Ad Manager (DFP) statistics

DFP Revenue (DFP)

DFP Revenue

Actual revenue from AdSense, ADX, EBDA imported from Google Ad Manager (DFP) statistics

Metrics that should be available by default (not hidden in the wizard)

Slice name

Slices Description


Slice for individual dates

Ad Unit

Slice for individual Ad Units


Slice for individual Advertisers


Slice for individual bidders


Slice for individual buyers

Operating System

Slice for individual Operating System

User Agent

Slice for individual User Agent (Browser)

User Agent Version

Slice for individual User Agent Version (Browser version)


Slice for individual GEOs


Slice for individual domains (domains with the HBMP script)

Player Size

Slice for individual player sizes


Slice for individual sites (from your member zone)

UTM Code

UTM statistics  (https://agencyanalytics.com/blog/utm-tracking)

Div ID

Slice for individual Div ID


Slice for individual PMP Deal ID


Cross Report Slice