Apr 25, 2023
Microbidding / Bid Adjustments
Add micro bidding options to Adtelligent DSP to set up a custom bid for a parameter and treat it differently within a campaign. Some useful parameters (which can be combined), for example: - Publisher...
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Aug 02, 2021
Add Conversant to prebid partners list
Add to Adtelligent SSP new prebid partner for integration: Conversant https://docs.prebid.org/dev-docs/bidders/conversant.html
Aug 02, 2021
DSP Add-on or integration with Hubspot
Option to connect Adtelligent Demand-side platform to Hubspot Advertising as native integration or as an add-on to sync data and reporting between services.
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Sep 27, 2021
Apple’s SKAdNetwork Support
Implement a SKAdNetwork extension to support programmatic buying, for the advertising ecosystem to communicate and manage the information needed to use the SKAdNetwork capabilities in iOS 14 and above...
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